Digested on May 22, 2003Posted by David Earls
Typophile is a great resource for all us type geeks and lovers, and its forums are especially well visited and used by people of all levels around the globe. The problem with forum technology though is that it can very quickly become a victim of its own success. Typophile had to close its virtual doors for a few days last week due to its founders being hit with a rather large bandwidth bill from their ISP. Running a website can be expensive, and for many small independent publishers, there is no meaningful revenue stream to be had from advertising.
 I would hate to see Typophile move to a subscription model, and you should to. Support them and help secure their future by becoming a paid member. Its excellent value and, depending on your level of support, you'll get a big stack of freebies such as the fabulous tee I am modelling to the right.
Onwards. Tobias Frere-Jones of the Hoefler Type Foundry has released Gotham 2, a new series of eight styles to add to his award-winning Gotham family. Also new at HTF is the release of Retina Agate, the typeface used in the WSJ for stock listings.
The Font Bureau have released Cyrus Highsmith's Prensa. A rounded 24 styles are available of this family intended primarily for use in magazines and books. There are some interesting contrasty angled strokes in this family at large sizes - definately worth a look.
Jason Smith of Fontsmith must be a happy bunny this month. His families of FS Albert, FS Ingrid, FS Rome and FS Sophie are now to be marketed and distributed worldwide by Agfa Monotype. He said: “Fontsmith now has a trusted partner to make our fonts available to a much wider audience. They are a nice bunch of people, and professionally speaking are on our wave-length.” Just how a small indie can be on the same wave-length as a large multinational one can only imagine, but then I'm the jealous sort.
Remember TypeReview.com? Its founder, Tim Rolands released his first OpenType family in the form of Anvil. His turn to speak: "It's the first of many. Every new release will be OpenType now, and all of my past releases will be converted. Anvil underscores my commitment to blending advanced technology with careful artistry in the development of digital type."
Got a new typeface release that you think will cut the mustard with the big boys? If you're braver and more talented than I (not difficult), take note. With just under two months before TypeCon2003 (65 speakers, 14 workshops, special events every night, etc), SOTA are calling out for entries to their TypeGallery2003 exhibit. Good opportunity for self-promotion and/or ego stroking!
Typography conferences, don't you just love them? You do? Marvellous, because ATypI has started feeding news of their Vancouver conference in September. Adobe and Microsoft are both holding OpenType workshops at $100 a pop, and an Emily Carr letterpress workshop for $250. That is after the $650 ($560 for ATypI members) conference fee, of course. More details will be posted here as they come through of course.
Another day, another dollar. Tot ziens!
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